Sunday, August 15

A New Chapter.......

Now that I have been back home for nearly a month, I have been antsy to start writing again. I'm not good at the short story, but me and non-fiction do pretty well. So, I have decided to start another blog dedicated to my time as a doctoral student. Not so much as to bother anyone with my relentless posting (like anyone is so terribly interest), but writing seems to keep me a bit centered and it allows me to practice. I have had to practice to ensure thoughts come through my finger tips half way coherently.

I hope I can share my ups and downs during the next adventure and keep anyone who is interest posted on work, family, and school. I intend to start over with the family blog since I started it without practice. I just need to get it done; so stayed tuned for that.

I hate to loose this blog, so I am going to keep it up for awhile until I can print it out. But, if anyone is interested...