Friday, May 21

Airports, Mazes, and Heat

Slowly, but surely the jet lag is wearing off and I am feeling a bit more human today. We went to bed early last night so that I could get up early and head to the airport with Colum again. I spent almost seven hours at the Dublin airport waiting on students to arrive. Approximately three were spent alone. Up side? It went by fast and after Colum left with a group, I was able to round up a bunch of students and load them into cabs on my own. Texas style. Colum said I could now put Study Abroad Arrival Coordinating on my resume. I think he may have been kidding, I wasn't when I said I would.
Now, altough my herding and coordination instincts are sharp, my navigation skills are not. I am turned around half the time here. There are parts of the city I am getting to know, but some parts are insane. Grids, people, grids. I am accustomed to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd streets. Straight lines. Although wonderfully charming, Dublin is a plethora of winding streets and maze like walkways. I am too busy gawking when I should be honing in on my internal compass. One of my few weaknesses. ;0) Oh well, I have a map.

It has been really warm here in Ireland. Seriously, I thought I left this weather behind in TX. But the universe, fate, my guardian angel, and God all know how much I need sunlight on occasion and they have generously delivered. I am grateful for that, although I could do without some of the heat that has permeated the city. I guess it would be petty to complain, so bring on the heat. I can certainly take it!
Our Door

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Banks and a lot of 'em

1 comment:

  1. sarah, I am loving taking the journey with you. Your pictures are so awesome. You are quite the 'writer', and I enjoy reading your updates. What wonderful experiences you are having. MAPS are important ! You and Rebecca enjoy !
    love, aunt mary
    hope this will post.....I've tried 2x before and never can find them !
