Wednesday, May 26

No Theme or Title, Just Stuff

Well, I forgot that journal. All I can say is that I didn't write down that I wanted to bring it. So all those wonderful quips that I wanted to say floated away. Ah well. What I can say is that today was so cold. Wow. I had to run into a little sweater (or as they would say here, jumper) shop to purchase a cute little wool sweater. Darn it. I am wearing now as I type this and it is wonderful.

Colum has me updating the Student Handbook for the study abroad students. Thank goodness. Despite being a wonderful university with the nicest people, the handbook in my opinion, is a mess. Now, don't misunderstand me, Colum is one of the best I have seen in this field: personable, knowledgeable, and understanding with these wee undergrads. It is always a pleasure to work with those kinds of people. However, the handbook made me cringe as I read through it. Great info, but for my strict American get my point. It is just one of the differences I have picked up on in this process. The Irish are much more laid back. I check and double check. Poor Colum, I must drive him nuts with my questions and verifications. But, in my work and school--I am a bit of a perfectionist. Or try to be at the very least. I can go a week without washing my hair, but if that semicolon is out of place--watch out! :) My sweet Rob must be just as confused at times....

After I was done at the university, Bec and I walked down Grafton Street and did a bit of shopping. Grafton street is amazing. So many people, shops and street performers, most of whom of quite talented. We keep walking by this adorable young Irish man who sings and plays guitar. Bec and I agreed that I have to toss him some coins next time I pass by. We saw jugglers, leprechauns, and guys who can stand still forever.

I know you are all interested to know what the first item I purchased in Dublin was. Drum roll, please....a hair dryer! Yep, I'm lame. But I made up for it today. I have been admiring some bracelets that are available in the states. They have the most adorable charms on them. We ran into a store that had them and you would never guess, one of the display bracelets (in the same display case) was adorned with a name--Sarah. With a "H". It was a sign. The universe was giving me permission to get the bracelet. I am not sure how this will sit with Rob, but he rarely denies me something I truly want. So, I don't think he'll mind. We will shop for  him when he gets here.

Reading at St. Patrick's Cathedral

The Mayor of Dublin's residence

Temple Bar

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