Wednesday, May 19

Dublin Day 2

Yesterday was almost too much for me. After a day of travel, getting lost, and jet lag, my dear husband called me to tell me that his grandfather had passed. I was so out of it, I told how much I loved him, that I was sorry, and promptly drifted back to sleep. But it would not be me at all if I didn't have a melt down, so at about 10pm Dub time as I awoke for my Skype date; I almost lost it. I mean, I am over here while this is going on there? What am I thinking? The kids going to their first family funeral and I am not there?! After some crazy time, I seriously considered coming  home. But, as Rob assured me: he is fine, the kids are fine. We have been expecting this for some time and although he is sad, he is rock solid. After talking with him, he almost has me convinced. If he is lying to me he is a dead man. Thank goodness Bec is here or I might have not listened to RC and would be on my way home. So, I am staying. I would be guilt ridden either way so, let me take this opportunity to say: my thoughts are with all the Teaffs and I love them all. I am blessed to have been dropped into their lives. RST: RIP.

Today has been better. We slept for 13 hours yesterday, which helped us catch up a bit. I was scheduled to be a work at 2pm Dub time. We set off about 1pm and didn't get there until 2:10pm. So needless to say, we got lost again. But as Colum said, the best way to get to know a city is to get lost in it. So far, we taken that advice to heart.

When I got to the university, Colum gave me a run down of what was going to occure in the coming days. I got to meet many university workers and everyone seemed really nice. There will be 31 students coming in the next few days, all from the states, and my first assignment is to help round up people at the 6:30am. Whoop. :)

Since I was a little more with it today, I was able to take more of the city in. I paid more attention to the people on the streets; school boys and girls in their uniforms, cute European girls with their perfectly messed pony tails smoking cigarettes, business men, and guys in leather jackets and chains. A lot of activity. The sun even came out today and as I type this, I can see blue sky out the living room window.

Bec and stopped at a little market on a street corner near the apartment. As a Texas girl, I am used to a whole buildings that serves as the grocery store, so I am having to do without my Lean Cuisines and waffles. They did have a little deli in which I could make a sandwich, Subway style, and that made me happy...until they put butter on the bread when I asked for mustard, but I was so hungry with all the walking and emotionality I was eating that sandwich even it was doused in gasoline. Apparently some of our confusion at the market showed because a guy behind the counter said, (insert Irish accent) "You're American's aren't ya?".  I was so glad that we don't blend in......

Below are some pictures of the right route that I will be taking to the school...... you know the one we found an hour after we left the apartment.

The Liffey

Um..not sure street name. I'll find out.

This is actually quite helpful. Looking for traffic is crazy here. If any of you have taken a Mexican taxi ride, well driving here seems similar. Except backwards.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting ! I am still trying to figure out how to post...
