Monday, June 7

Bank Holiday

As expected, today did not prove to be very exciting. Did I get the chores done? Yes. But, the most eventful thing today was walking down to the grocery the rain. I do find that I am getting excited about getting to the school during the week. As I have mentioned, I am working on revamping the Study Abroad Student Handbook and the Pre-Departure Guide, which consists of cleaning it up and ensuring that everything is up to date. Granted, much of it is retyping and adjusting information that already exists within the old handbooks, but I have always found some comfort in monotonous tasks (I can stuff envelopes like a champ). I should wrap these two projects up by week's end. I am looking forward to the next task Colum has in store. I will keep you posted.

I clearly should not be left to my own devices as I took the plunge and booked a day tour for Saturday. Like every other experience here thus far, it ends my life. So yes, Saturday will be the first tour I have taken alone----in my life (in fact, just end most sentences with that statement). Like I told Robert, I feel like I have pushed myself into the water and said...okay, swim. I know it may be difficult for some of you to appreciate how different this is for me, but trust me, if my own sister calls Robert first when she wants to get a hold of me--I have a serious social handicap. Slowly, but surely I am overcoming this hurdle. I suppose when you have had someone to ease the burden of solitude and aids in planning any or all events, it is easy to become dependent or maybe...lazy when taking initiative in matters in which other people are involved. You can give my a syllabus for an entire semester in January and I'll have it done by March, but try and get me to plan a get away and I'm useless.

Since I have started this blog, I have received some very nice comments on here and through Facebook. I wanted to thank everyone again for their comments. I have appreciated each of them and I may have given up this blog up days ago if it weren't for those that are reading it. A little update on the home front: Robert is less than three weeks out from getting here and we are both really excited. I have been sending the kids letters regularly and both of them seem quite a peace with me being gone. Almost too at peace for my taste, but I am grateful this doesn't seem to be affecting them. I do recognize that I have a wonderful family (my in-laws are too wonderful for words) and a big reason the kids have maintained some normality is because of them. I am sad to report the Rob's Uncle Whiskey passed this week and although I did not know him well, he was a nice man and I truly sorry for the loss. Please pray for RC, because two funerals in the course of three weeks is a bit much. He is not affected, but kind thoughts don't hurt.

That is all from me for today, if you have any update from the states...please share. I would love to hear it!

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