Friday, June 11


It is only 4:30 in the afternoon and it has already been a great day. First, another beautiful run by the river. I am so glad the I forced myself to roll out of bed for it. Even though it was 6:30am, it is absolutely worth getting up to avoid the crowds. I ran pretty far down today and I hope to make it further next week to see what else is down that way. I am pretty sure that I am heading west, because I would hit the sea going the other way.

I got another awesome surprise walking over the river this morning. A seal was hanging out in the Liffey! I couldn't believe it. Luckily I had my camera and took a picture of him. It is not an ideal picture, but you can make him out okay. I can't tell you when I saw a seal in the wild, I usually observe them behind a plate of glass. I practically skipped the rest of the way to school. Colum had me come up with ideas for the first year student orientation and their International Food Day. I love to have a hand in planning these type of things, so I have been in my element. But today was a short day as Colum nudged me out the door half past noon. Or as the say in Ireland half twelve.

Since it was lunch time, I went ahead and grabbed a sandwhich and headed back over to Merrion Square to eat and read again. Oscar was sitting there as usually and I am getting to the point that I feel like I should give him a high five or a fist pump or something as I pass by. We see each other often and as time goes on I like him more and more. He was a bit of a maverick in life, but genius is often clouted with some adversity and misunderstanding.

As I left the square I ran right into Trinity College's Shakespeare Festival, well a part of it. I knew it was going on this week, but I was uncertain as to where they were taking place. The student's have been doing scene's from Shakespeare's plays all around the city and I was lucky enough to sit in on a scene from Romeo and Juliet: Act I, Scene I. Trinity put a modern spin on it--Juliet was in short denim shorts, a fur lined vest, and fuzzy boots. Romeo was in a windbreaker and jeans. The F word was even used at one time. I would have loved to see Shakespeare in a more traditional sense, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

I went ahead and headed to the National Museum of Ireland- Archaeology. So, so cool.  This is where Ireland houses some of it's oldest and most valuable artifacts. Some dating back to 7000BC. Through reading this you probably know how much I like history, so this was right up my alley. Several school kids were meandering, okay running, around the museum, and in their little uniforms with their little accents, they were so cute. Two boys around my boy's age where deciding what one display was. One of the boy's lied down on it, but quickly got up as I walked by. I think they were fairly surprised when I smiled at them, because they stopped me to ask what the display was used for. I laughed and said that I was pretty sure that was a bench for visitors to sit down and rest on. The boy said (with accent), "Oh, right. Thank you". So cute.

I walked down the river for a little while and did some shopping. I had to get some flats. These girls have it down. Screw the heels, just get some cute flats and you're set. So, I decided to get two pairs at a store that reminds me of Ross stores in the states. Very inexpensive and stuff was everywhere--on the floors, hanging from the rafters.....I feel sorry for those people that close the joint down. What a mess.

Tomorrow, Glendalough and Kilkenny. I will be on the guided tour I booked earlier this week. I am a little nervous about going alone, but I am really excited about getting out of the city. I will let you know how it goes. So, tonight a movie that I rented on iTunes (iTunes should give me a stipend for the shout out) and then an early bed time.
The seal. Middle of the picture. Laying in his back!
Walking the river and some of the things I see on my run. Two of the above.

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