Friday, June 18

I discovered I dislike waiting for delayed planes.

Spent the day at the airport. I woke up at 5:45am to ensure that I got a hour long run in. Then onto the 8am bus to the airport, just in time to catch Flight 92 from Chicago that arrives at 8:40am each day....except for today. The flight was delayed until 1pm. I texted Colum to see if he wanted me to stay or come into the city to do something, I don't know, useful and go back to the airport. He suggested I stay and while I waited I could try and catch a student arriving at 9:45am, who has her own accommodations and as such is supposed to arrange her transportation. That is fine, I can do that. Except I stood at the arrivals gate for nearly two hours waiting for her to see my little sign, but someone that doesn't know you are there is not going to be looking for you. I reluctantly put my sign down to go use the potty and never located the student. I was concerned about this for a good part of the day only to discover she had made her way to the school. Whew. But it would have been nice to have been spared the concern. Nevertheless, I hunkered down with my tea and book and waited until 1pm. I stood smack dab in front of the arrivals gate once the plane landed, because I was not going to miss the student I actually was there to gather. While I waited I visited with a nice Irish man who was waiting for the same flight and who was amazed to hear that I had been there since 8:20am waiting for it (you're telling me, mister). I did find out through talking with him that he also has a game called, "they're American". I am sorry to report that it is not a compliment to be pegged in this game. My new friend did ask if I was American or Canadian...I promptly reported--"I'm Texan".  Cause when your from Texas, you can say that.

I did located the student, a lovely girl from Pennsylvania. She was just as relieved to get there as I was to find her. We hopped into a cab only to listen to a disgruntled Irish man who proceeded to bash the Irish government, the media, and those with or in pursuit of higher ed degrees (he had exhibit A and B in the back of his cab--what do you think spurred his rant). Don't get me wrong-- he was extremely articulate, knew everything about everything and informed us that was easier to attack than to defend, hence the fountain of knowledge he wanted to offer us....But for the love of God, he talked the ENTIRE WAY. I was exhausted at the end of that ride and got out while the cab was still moving.

Before I continue, I would like to include this disclaimer: I do realize that waiting and airport pickups are all part of interning and part of the experience and learning and I have been lucky enough to learn a lot...about a lot things. Intern = grunt, gopher, etc. I got it-- but it doesn't make it, for lack of a better word, suck any less.

So here I am. I am going to Blarney Castle tomorrow and although I was initially dreading the long bus ride, it will be nice to just sit and enjoy rather than be on alert. Robert will be here next weekend and I am looking forward to hanging out with someone, seeing more things, and having a few pints. I think there is a misconception here that married mothers do not want, nor like, to have fun and upon the birth of my first child I had to relinquish my bar hopping and naughty thoughts card (even though I would never resort to those things :))To each his own, I suppose. But there are no egg shells around me--- even with a fab husband and gorgeous children. Can't wait to tell you about tomorrow. Sending love.

1 comment:

  1. That was a long haul at the airport. Glad your party finally arrived. The Blarney Stone trip should be very interesting. Of course you will have someone take your pic. I am starting to count the minutes until Robert gets there. And now the days until your peeps arrive. I love you very much and continue to try to picture you as you go about your duties and your leisure time. Have I mentioned how proud I am of you??
